Volume 23, Issue 7 (11-2024)                   JRUMS 2024, 23(7): 635-649 | Back to browse issues page

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Salman M, Taghvaee A. Investigating the Mediating Role of Social Dysfunction in the Relationship between Anxiety and Self-Harm in Children of Divorce: A Descriptive Study. JRUMS 2024; 23 (7) :635-649
URL: http://journal.rums.ac.ir/article-1-7405-en.html
Department of Psychology, Naein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Naein, Iran
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1. Crespin-Boucaud J, Hotte R. Parental divorces and children’s educational outcomes in Senegal, World Development 2021; 145.
2. Esmaeily M, Taheri chamali J, Ghasemi niaie F, Haghani zemeydani M. Investigating the effective strategies of adolescents in dealing with grief caused by parental. Rooyesh 2022; 11(4): 99-106. [Farsi]
3. Yahyazadeh H, Hamed M. Issues and interventions of children of divorce in Iran: A meta-analysis of articles. Journal of Woman and Family Studies 2016; 3(2): 91-120. [Farsi]
4. Stapp EK, Mendelson T, Merikangas KR, Wilcox HC. Parental bipolar disorder, family environment, and offspring psychiatric disorders: a systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders 2020; 268: 69-81.
5. Plaisted H, Waite P, Gordon, K, Creswell K. Optimizing Exposure for-Children and Adolescents with Anxiety, OCD and PTSD: A Systematic Review. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev 2021; 24: 348-69.
6. Patel DP, Feucht C, Brown K, Ramsay J. Pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents: a review for practitioners. Translational Pediatrics 2018; 7(1): 23-35.
7. Nekoei S, Abaspour Z. The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Anxiety and Self-efficacy of Children: A Single-Case Experimental Design. QJCR 2022; 21(81): 3. [Farsi]
8. Mohammadi M, Alilou M. The effectiveness of group play therapy on reducing anxiety, depression and improving communication skills of anxious children. Journal Of New Achievements In Humanities Studies 2021; 4(37): 206-13. [Farsi]
9. Zaree J, Taheri Torbati H, Sohrabi M, Ghasemi A. The Effect of Individual, Group and Cooperative Special Practices on the Cognitive and Social Function of Children Aged 9-12 Years with Development Coordination Disorder. Motor Behavior 2018; 10(31): 177-94. [Farsi]
10. Gresham FM, Elliot SN. Social skills rating system. PsycTESTS Dataset. 1990.
11. Mohammadigargani A, Dartaj F, Kiamanesh A. Effectiveness of social-emotional skills training on behavioral disorders and academic performance of female students. Quarterly Journal of Excellence in Counseling and Psychotherapy 2018; 8: 52-36. [Farsi]
12. Fallah F, Rezapour Mirsaleh Y, Behjati Ardakani F. The Effectiveness of Adlerian Play Therapy on Social Skills of Children with Social Anxiety Disorder: A Time-Series Design. Social Psychology Research 2021; 11(42): 1-16. [Farsi]
13. Barzegari-Saraskanroud A. Self-harm in adolescent girls: a qualitative research, 3rd International Conference on Psychology, Educational Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. 2019. [Farsi]
14. Taghizadeh A. Examining the aspects of self-harm, its prevalence, cause and treatment. The Growth Of School Counselor Education 2013; 30: 22-6. [Farsi]
15. Kline RB. Convergence of structural equation modeling and multilevel modeling. The SAGE handbook of innovation in social research methods 2011; 562-89.
16. Birmaher B, Brent DA, Chiappetta L, Bridge J, Monga S, Baugher M. Psychometric properties of the screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders (SCARED): A replication study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1999; 38(10): 1230-6.
17. Palahang H, Rabiei M, Khorramdel K, Zerehpush A, Sajjadian P. Validity, Reliability and Factor Structure Analysis of the Revised Version of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders-71 (SCARED-71). IJPCP 2012; 18(3): 202-10. [Farsi]
18. Roshanchelsi R, Jalali M, Pourahmadi Esfastani A. Determining the psychometric characteristics of the screening questionnaire for emotional disorders related to children's anxiety in Iranian students aged 10-17. Educational Measurement Quarterly 2017; 31: 65-97. [Farsi]
19. Matson JL, Rotatori AF, Helsel WJ. Development of a rating scale to measure social skills in children: The Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters (MESSY). Behaviour Research and Therapy 1983; 21(4): 335-40.
20. Yousefi F, Khair M. Examining the reliability and validity of Matson's social skills measurement scale and comparing the performance of high school boys and girls in this scale 2002. [Farsi]
21. Mohammad Poorasl A, Fakhari A, Rostami F. The incidence rate of the delibeate self-injury in male high school pupils, Tabriz- Iran. J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2009; 11(3): 31-7. [Farsi]
22. Khalilianrad N. Studying the role of leadership in services provided to citizens through the mediation of urban management. Urban Management Studies 2018; 11(40): 57-70. [Farsi]
23. Zameni L, Bahram A, Khalaji H, Ghadiri F, Hasani G. Biological Maturation and Physical Activity among Female Adolescents in Mazandaran, Iran, in 2017: Moderating role of social support. Medical Journal of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences 2017; 60(3): 528-38. [Farsi]
24. Ghafoori M, Shadnoosh N, Karamati MA. The effect of co-creation in the face of augmented reality on perceived risk, perceived trust. Journal of Investment Knowledge 2022; 11(41): 551-75. [Farsi]
25. Davari A, Rezazadeh A. Structural equation modeling with PLS software. Academic Jihad Publications 2017; pp 65. [Farsi]
26. Abbasi-Azoorgeh M, Mashaikh M, Shahvardi M. Comparison of behavioral problems (behavior disorder, attention problems- immaturity, social aggression, anxiety-cornering) in divorced and normal children. Journal of New Achievements in Human Sciences 2018; 2(20): 132-43. [Farsi]
27. Elmore AL, Crouch E. The association of adverse childhood experiences with anxiety and depression for children and youth, 8 to 17 years of age. Academic pediatrics 2020; 20(5): 600-8.
28. Aryapuran S, Abbasi M. Comparison of symptoms of anxiety disorders, expression of emotion and social acceptance in children who experienced divorce and parental death with normal children. Family Studies 2020; 16(62): 259-83. [Farsi]
29. Saraf N, Mohammadi M, Ahmadi N, Khaleghi A, Gharibi S, Attapour H, et al. Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents in the central areas of Qazvin in 2015-2016 (national plan). J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2017; 22: 164-77. [Farsi]
30. Antonopoulou K, Chaidemenou A, Kouvava S. Peer Acceptance and Friendships among Primary School Pupils: Associations with Loneliness, Self Esteem and School Engagement. Educational Psychology in Practice 2019; 35: 339-51.
31. Kamphus HA. dawning understanding of enactment and sado-masochistic interaction-a child analysis of a latency child. The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review 2020; 43(1): 50-61.
32. Oberle E, SchonertReichl KA. Relations among Peer Acceptance, Inhibitory Control, and Math Achievement in Early Adolescence. Journal of Applied Developmenta Psychology 2013; 34: 45-51.
33. Nzarasa AS. The effects of divorce on Christian children,s social behavior in Yambio County, Western Equatoral State-South Sudan (Doctoral dissertation, Africa Reneval University), 2021.
34. Yulaf Y, Semerci ZB. Comparison of Psychiatric Disorders between Children with a History of Parental Divorce and Parental Death. Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2018; 8(4): 171-7.

Type of Study: Research | Subject: Psychiatry
Received: 2024/05/31 | Accepted: 2024/10/27 | Published: 2024/11/30

1. Crespin-Boucaud J, Hotte R. Parental divorces and children’s educational outcomes in Senegal, World Development 2021; 145.
2. Esmaeily M, Taheri chamali J, Ghasemi niaie F, Haghani zemeydani M. Investigating the effective strategies of adolescents in dealing with grief caused by parental. Rooyesh 2022; 11(4): 99-106. [Farsi]
3. Yahyazadeh H, Hamed M. Issues and interventions of children of divorce in Iran: A meta-analysis of articles. Journal of Woman and Family Studies 2016; 3(2): 91-120. [Farsi]
4. Stapp EK, Mendelson T, Merikangas KR, Wilcox HC. Parental bipolar disorder, family environment, and offspring psychiatric disorders: a systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders 2020; 268: 69-81.
5. Plaisted H, Waite P, Gordon, K, Creswell K. Optimizing Exposure for-Children and Adolescents with Anxiety, OCD and PTSD: A Systematic Review. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev 2021; 24: 348-69.
6. Patel DP, Feucht C, Brown K, Ramsay J. Pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents: a review for practitioners. Translational Pediatrics 2018; 7(1): 23-35.
7. Nekoei S, Abaspour Z. The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Anxiety and Self-efficacy of Children: A Single-Case Experimental Design. QJCR 2022; 21(81): 3. [Farsi]
8. Mohammadi M, Alilou M. The effectiveness of group play therapy on reducing anxiety, depression and improving communication skills of anxious children. Journal Of New Achievements In Humanities Studies 2021; 4(37): 206-13. [Farsi]
9. Zaree J, Taheri Torbati H, Sohrabi M, Ghasemi A. The Effect of Individual, Group and Cooperative Special Practices on the Cognitive and Social Function of Children Aged 9-12 Years with Development Coordination Disorder. Motor Behavior 2018; 10(31): 177-94. [Farsi]
10. Gresham FM, Elliot SN. Social skills rating system. PsycTESTS Dataset. 1990.
11. Mohammadigargani A, Dartaj F, Kiamanesh A. Effectiveness of social-emotional skills training on behavioral disorders and academic performance of female students. Quarterly Journal of Excellence in Counseling and Psychotherapy 2018; 8: 52-36. [Farsi]
12. Fallah F, Rezapour Mirsaleh Y, Behjati Ardakani F. The Effectiveness of Adlerian Play Therapy on Social Skills of Children with Social Anxiety Disorder: A Time-Series Design. Social Psychology Research 2021; 11(42): 1-16. [Farsi]
13. Barzegari-Saraskanroud A. Self-harm in adolescent girls: a qualitative research, 3rd International Conference on Psychology, Educational Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. 2019. [Farsi]
14. Taghizadeh A. Examining the aspects of self-harm, its prevalence, cause and treatment. The Growth Of School Counselor Education 2013; 30: 22-6. [Farsi]
15. Kline RB. Convergence of structural equation modeling and multilevel modeling. The SAGE handbook of innovation in social research methods 2011; 562-89.
16. Birmaher B, Brent DA, Chiappetta L, Bridge J, Monga S, Baugher M. Psychometric properties of the screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders (SCARED): A replication study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1999; 38(10): 1230-6.
17. Palahang H, Rabiei M, Khorramdel K, Zerehpush A, Sajjadian P. Validity, Reliability and Factor Structure Analysis of the Revised Version of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders-71 (SCARED-71). IJPCP 2012; 18(3): 202-10. [Farsi]
18. Roshanchelsi R, Jalali M, Pourahmadi Esfastani A. Determining the psychometric characteristics of the screening questionnaire for emotional disorders related to children's anxiety in Iranian students aged 10-17. Educational Measurement Quarterly 2017; 31: 65-97. [Farsi]
19. Matson JL, Rotatori AF, Helsel WJ. Development of a rating scale to measure social skills in children: The Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters (MESSY). Behaviour Research and Therapy 1983; 21(4): 335-40.
20. Yousefi F, Khair M. Examining the reliability and validity of Matson's social skills measurement scale and comparing the performance of high school boys and girls in this scale 2002. [Farsi]
21. Mohammad Poorasl A, Fakhari A, Rostami F. The incidence rate of the delibeate self-injury in male high school pupils, Tabriz- Iran. J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2009; 11(3): 31-7. [Farsi]
22. Khalilianrad N. Studying the role of leadership in services provided to citizens through the mediation of urban management. Urban Management Studies 2018; 11(40): 57-70.‎ [Farsi]
23. Zameni L, Bahram A, Khalaji H, Ghadiri F, Hasani G. Biological Maturation and Physical Activity among Female Adolescents in Mazandaran, Iran, in 2017: Moderating role of social support. Medical Journal of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences 2017; 60(3): 528-38. [Farsi]
24. Ghafoori M, Shadnoosh N, Karamati MA. The effect of co-creation in the face of augmented reality on perceived risk, perceived trust. Journal of Investment Knowledge 2022; 11(41): 551-75. [Farsi]
25. Davari A, Rezazadeh A. Structural equation modeling with PLS software. Academic Jihad Publications 2017; pp 65. [Farsi]
26. Abbasi-Azoorgeh M, Mashaikh M, Shahvardi M. Comparison of behavioral problems (behavior disorder, attention problems- immaturity, social aggression, anxiety-cornering) in divorced and normal children. Journal of New Achievements in Human Sciences 2018; 2(20): 132-43. [Farsi]
27. Elmore AL, Crouch E. The association of adverse childhood experiences with anxiety and depression for children and youth, 8 to 17 years of age. Academic pediatrics 2020; 20(5): 600-8.
28. Aryapuran S, Abbasi M. Comparison of symptoms of anxiety disorders, expression of emotion and social acceptance in children who experienced divorce and parental death with normal children. Family Studies 2020; 16(62): 259-83. [Farsi]
29. Saraf N, Mohammadi M, Ahmadi N, Khaleghi A, Gharibi S, Attapour H, et al. Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents in the central areas of Qazvin in 2015-2016 (national plan). J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2017; 22: 164-77. [Farsi]
30. Antonopoulou K, Chaidemenou A, Kouvava S. Peer Acceptance and Friendships among Primary School Pupils: Associations with Loneliness, Self Esteem and School Engagement. Educational Psychology in Practice 2019; 35: 339-51.
31. Kamphus HA. dawning understanding of enactment and sado-masochistic interaction-a child analysis of a latency child. The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review 2020; 43(1): 50-61.
32. Oberle E, SchonertReichl KA. Relations among Peer Acceptance, Inhibitory Control, and Math Achievement in Early Adolescence. Journal of Applied Developmenta Psychology 2013; 34: 45-51.
33. Nzarasa AS. The effects of divorce on Christian children,s social behavior in Yambio County, Western Equatoral State-South Sudan (Doctoral dissertation, Africa Reneval University), 2021.
34. Yulaf Y, Semerci ZB. Comparison of Psychiatric Disorders between Children with a History of Parental Divorce and Parental Death. Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2018; 8(4): 171-7.

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