Manuscript Preparation

 | Post date: 2021/08/25 | 

Scientific Research Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences

Manuscript Preparation Guide
The Scientific Research Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences publishes information from the latest research by researchers in various fields of Medical Sciences in order to disseminate and expand research activities. The contents of this journal can be utilized by all medical researchers, including students, educational and research faculty members, doctors, and paramedics. The journal accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, continuing education, book reviews, protocols, and letters to the editor that have not been previously published in any other journal. Respected authors interested in publishing an article in the Scientific Research Journal of the Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences are kindly requested to adhere to the following points. To download the full manuscript preparation guide, please click here.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically (online submission) to the address
The format for writing an article should be as follows:
Original article
  • Title of the article: Zar 17 (Bold)
  • Authors' names: Zar 12 (Bold)
  • Text headings: Nazanin 14 (Bold)
  • Abstract headings: Nazanin 12 (Bold)
  • Article text: Nazanin 12
  • Title of the article: Times New Roman 14 (Bold)
  • Authors' names: Times New Roman 11 (Bold)
  • Authors affiliations: Times New Roman 10 (Bold, Italic)
  • Section headings: Times New Roman 12 (Bold)
  • English abstract text: Times New Roman 10
The article should be written in fluent Persian, free of grammatical and spelling errors, and the use of foreign terms having recognized Persian equivalents should be strictly avoided.
Original research articles
Articles should contain a title, Persian and English abstracts (maximum 250 words), at least 3 and at most 6 keywords, an introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, conflict of interest, financial support, ethical considerations, code of ethics, extent of authors’ contributions (conceptualization, supervision, etc.), and a list of references.

 Clinical trial articles

All randomized controlled trials submitted for publication in the Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences must contain a flow diagram of the consolidated standards for reporting trials (CONSORT) and ensure that all elements are covered in the CONSORT checklist. Please visit the CONSORT statement website at for more information.
Narrative review articles
Narrative and critical review articles will only be accepted from authors with sufficient expertise and a long history of working on a particular subject, and with reference to an acceptable number of their published articles. They should consist of a title, Persian and English abstracts, an introduction, discussion, conclusion, and a list of references.
Systematic review articles and Meta-Analyses
Systematic review articles and meta-analysis articles should be reported in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) (The PRISMA 2020 statement: An updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews) and should include a flowchart as a figure.
General structure and content of article types
The title of the article, the name and surname of the author(s), the scientific rank of all authors, the work phone number and mobile phone number of the corresponding author, the fax and e-mail address of the corresponding author, as well as the ORCID code of all authors should be provided in both Persian and English.
The Persian and English abstracts, including background and objectives, materials and methods, results, and conclusion, along with keywords, should be typed on a separate page. At the end of the English abstract, it is necessary to mention the approval of the Ethics Committee (Ethical considerations), the source of funding for the research (Funding), and any conflicts of interest (Conflict of interest).
Tables, charts, and images
  • Tables and charts should be accompanied by titles and included in the body of the article. The type of statistical test should be mentioned below the table.
  • Charts should be one-dimensional and in Persian.
  • Photographs used in the article must be of good quality and in color.
  • Words or phrases that are used as abbreviations should be mentioned in full inside parentheses on the first use.
  • There should be a logical ratio between the number of pages of the article and the number of inserted tables and charts.

Informed consent and patient details
Patient anonymity and medical confidentiality must be respected in the article. In photographs, the patient's eyes should be covered and any information or identifying marks should be removed.
Research registration
Original research studies must be approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the university or research center or the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education. It is mandatory to mention the clinical trial registration number as well as the protocol of the study for the articles. Articles resulting from animal research require approval from the ethics committee overseeing research on laboratory animals.
Financial support and conflict of interest
For multicenter studies, a research collaboration agreement from all centers must be attached. For studies sponsored by private companies, mentioning the details of the agreement and the editor's judgment will be decisive.
Funding sources that led to the conduct of research and article preparation, as well as any technical assistance, should be mentioned before the references under the heading "acknowledgement".
Articles prepared for publication are referred to the corresponding author for final approval. The author/authors is/are fully responsible for the references and materials printed from an ethical and legal point of view.
  1. References are numbered consecutively in the order they are first mentioned. Place each reference number in the parentheses in the text, and in the reference section, list them in order through the default numbering of the word program.
  2. The order of numbering the references is in the order of their use in the body of the article and all Persian references should be translated into English, for such references it is necessary to mention the word [Farsi] at the end of the reference and inside the square brackets.
References should be set according to the Vancouver Style as follows:
  • Book, 1-6 authors: Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC. Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication.
* It is necessary to explain that the names of the authors are separated from each other by the sign",".
  • Book, more than 6 authors: Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC, Surname DD, Surname EE, Surname FF, et al. Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication.
            * The first six authors are mentioned, followed by “et al.”
  • Editor as author:  Surname AA, Surname BB, editor(s). Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication.
  • Journal articles, 1-6 authors: Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC, Surname DD, Surname EE, Surname FF. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal. Year; volume (issue): pages xx-x.
*It is necessary to explain that the names of the authors are separated from each other by the sign",".
  • Journal articles, more than 6 authors: Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC, Surname DD, Surname EE, Surname FF, et al. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal. Year; volume (issue): pages xx-x.
* The first six authors are mentioned, followed by “et al.”
  • Organization as an author or publisher: if the organization is an author or publisher in the introduction of a book or journal, the name of the organization is used. The rest of the bibliographic information is set as above.
  •  Thesis: Surname AA. Title of thesis. [Thesis]. Place of publication: faculty and university name; year.
Citing electronic sources:
  • Citation of the article on the compressed disk: author’s name/authors’ names or creator’s description (period, a distance) title of the article (period, a distance) abbreviation of the title of the publication (distance observance) type of media {mention of the type of media in Persian [publication on compressed disk] and in English [Serial on CD-ROM]} year of publication (semicolon) issue (colon) pages (period).
  • Citation of e-book on the compressed disc: author’s name/authors’ names or creator’s description (point, a distance) title (a distance) type of media {in Persian [book on compressed disc] and in English [book on CD-ROM]} edit description (period, a distance) place of publication (colon, one distance) publisher (comma, a distance) year of publication (period, a distance).
  • Citing an article of an electronic publication on the internet: author's name /authors’ names or creator's description (period, a distance) title of the article (period, a distance) abbreviation of the title of the electronic publication (a distance) {mention of the type of media in square brackets written in Persian [electronic publication] and in English [Serial online]} year of publication (and month of publication if necessary)(comma without distance) volume number (without distance) publication number in parentheses (if necessary) (colon without observing distance) number of frames or pages in square brackets (period, without distance) available from (colon, a distance) internet address access (period, one distance) access date includes month (fully) day (comma, a distance) year (period).
  • Citing a website: author's name/authors’ names or creator's description (period, a distance) title of the article (period, a distance) year of publication (if available) (semicolon) number of frames or pages within the square brackets (period, a distance) Available at (colon, a distance) access address (period, a distance) access date includes: full month (a distance) day (comma, a distance) year of publication (period).
All articles in accordance with the above mentioned guidelines will be subject to preliminary expertise immediately after receipt, while announcing the receipt and submitting the commitment form for the signature of the corresponding author (it should be noted that the order of the names of the authors of the article will not be subject to change after submitting the commitment form). The articles approved at this stage are sent to the reviewers of the journal for evaluation and after receiving the opinion of at least three reviewers, the final vote will be notified to the author in the shortest possible time. The reviewers will remain anonymous.
The editorial board is free to accept, reject, make corrections and edit (with author's approval).
Any extraction of the content of the article without mentioning the author's name/authors’ names is/are not allowed.
Address for submitting articles and correspondence: Rafsanjan, Persian Gulf Boulevard, Pistachio Boulevard, Campus of the University of Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Office of the Scientific Research Journal of the University, E-mail: and, postal code: 7717175911
Articles that do not comply with the above mentioned guidelines will not be accepted for publication. Obviously, if the submitted article is prepared and returned with the stated conditions, the time of starting the review of the article is calculated from the time of return (which is the actual date of the article).

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