Unwanted Pregnacy and Related Factors in 1995 in Rafsanjan M. Tavakoli1, GH. Rafiee1, H. Bakhshi 1, SM . Moosavi1, N. Shafiee2 1- Department of Nursing & mid 2- Rafsanjan university medical sciences and health services Background: The growth of population is one of the greatest problems of third world countries and one of its most important reasons of this problem is the unswanted pregnancies, which in different studies and countries variously reported. Material and Methods: A-descriptive cross-sectinal study was carried out among 356 pregnant women that were randomly selected and given a questionaire to determine the prevalance and related factors of unwanted pregnancies in Rafsanjan during the year 1995. Reasults: 14.7% of women were illiterat, 54.4% had low education, 24.4% had diplomas and 6.5% had university level education. 90.1% of women were housewives and 38.8% of pregnancies had been unwanted. 72.7% of unwanted pregnancies had happended despite the use of contraceptions. Of these precentage, 32.4% of contraceptions were natural, 34.2% had used oral contraceptives, 21.9% candom, 4.8% I.U.D and 6.7% breastfeeding as a method. Statistical tests showed a significant relationship between the unwanted pregnancy and womens’ age husbands’ age, womens’ education, number of children (P=0.000) and husbands’ jop (P=0.02). Conclusion: According to the results of this research which shows high prevalance of the unwanted pregnancy (even with the use of contraceptiones) use and methods of birth control seems necessary.
Key words: Unwanted Pregnancy, Contraception
The Effect of the Recitation of Holy Quran on Mental Health in Nursing Students of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences
M. Kazemi MSc1*, A. Ansari MSc1, M. Allah Tavakoli MSc1, S. Karimi MSc2
1- Academic Members, Dept . of Nursing & Midwifery, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran.
2- Academic Member, Azad University, Sirjan, Iran
Background: Many western scientists emphasis that human need the religion and his faith in God cause increase tolerance and decrease anxiety. Recietation of Holy Quran can be a mystical music that can stimulate physiological and psychological responses.
In this study the effect of reciatation of holy Quran on mental health in nursing students has been evaluated.
Materials and methods: In this quasi experimental research 107 individuals were selected and randomly divided into two control and case groups. Mental health score was measured in both groups, by the 12 items of general health questionnaire, and the demographic characterisitic determined by chechlist. Case group listened to the recitation of Holy Quran for 15 minutes three times a week for four weeks. The Recietation of Holy Quran was by tape recorder and the place of listening were same .One week after finishing the interventation the individuals completed general health questionnaire and demographic check list and then mental health score was measured in both groups again, and the results were compared before and after intervention. The data were analyzed by SPSS software, paired t-test and X2.
Results: The findings of this study indicated that the mean of mental health score before interventation in the case group was 31.48 ± 0.83 and in the control group was 31.92 ± 1.05 and after interventation in the case group was 35.61 ± 0.8 and in control was 31.2 ± 1.18. Comparing mental health score before and after interventation. Indicated that mean score was increased in case group significantly (p<0.0001). But in the control there was no difference before and after intervention.
Conclusion: The present data showed that listening to the recitation of Quran that has known as a mystical music, and can be a method for improving the students’ mental health .
Key words: Recietation of Quran, Mental health, Nursing students, Rafsanjan.
* corresponding author, Tel: (0391) 5225900
Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, 2003, 3(1): 52-57
Calcium Intake and Bone Mineral Densitomery in Patient Referring to Shiraz Bone Densitometry Center (2003)
L. Mossalanejad MSc [1] , S. Shahsavari MSc [2]
Bakground and Objective: Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration (BMD) of bone tissue. This leads to increased bone fragility and risk of fracture, particularly of the hip, spine and wrist.This study was performed to assess the relation between calcium intake and bone densitometry values.
Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive study to verify the relation between BMD and calcium intake. The study was carried out on 250 women who did not have the history of any metabolic diseases or estroidal intake were enroled in this study. The individuals were matched for sex, age, BMI and hormonal intake. Data were obtained using a two part questionaire containing demographic information and a table of consumed daily food including the amount of daily calcium intake. The optimal calcium intake 1200 mg/day and in bone mineral densitometry, t score <1SD was considered as osteopenia and t score <2/5 SD was defined as osteoporosis. Data were analysed by chisquare test, Mann-Witney and Kruskal-Wallis test.
Results: Although most of patients were in post menopausal stage (56.4%) but daily calcium intake of 89.3% of them was lower than 1200 mg. Positive significant relation between daily calcium intake and education was obtained (p=0.02), wheras, in housewife womens, there were low calcium product in daily dietary intake. There was a significant realation between bone density values of hip and lumboscral area and the daily calcium intake (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Acording to the results of this research and due to the effects of calcium effects intake on bone density and prevention of osteoporosis in elderly stage, we suggest wide teaching and information in general papulation with aim of improving dietry calcium.
Key words: Calcium Intake, Diet, Bone Densitometry, Climactric Stage, Vit D, Shiraz
[1] (Corresponding author ) Academic Member, Dept. of Nursing, School of Medical Sciences, Jahrom
Tel:(0791)3331523, Fax:(0791)3331520, E-mail: mossla_1@yahoo.com
[2] Academic Member, Dept. of Nursing, School of Medical Sciences, Jahrom
Frequency of Some of the Factors Affecting Adults Cardio -Pulmonary Resuscitation Outcome in Emam Khomeini Hospital
L. Barimnejad PhD Student [1] , M. Rasouli MSc [2] , V. Barimnejad PhD [3] , S. Samiee MSc [4]
Background and Objective : Despite 40 years of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) therapies, overall survival rates after cardiac arrest remain poor. On the average, 10-15% of patients who undergo cardiopulmonary resuscitation following a cardiopulmonary arrest in hospitals, are discharged but this rate is different in different countries. Information on who is likely to benefit from cardiopulmonary resuscitation is essential for decision making regarding resuscitation efforts. The purpose of present study was to determine the outcome of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for in-hospital cardiac arrests and to identify risk factors associated with survival to the time of hospital discharge.
Materials and Methods : A 1-year cohort study in Emam Khomeini Medical Center that is a 1000-bed tertiary, academic and regional referral center was preformed. The samples were adult inpatients ( mean age 58.12±19.16 years), excluding those who had cardiac arrest in the operating room. Eighty seven patients analyzed. A check list was used to assess the performance and quality of CPR team and a questionnaire was used for assessment of knowledge in personnel
Results : Among eighty-seven resuscitated patients, sixteen (18.4%) survived after resuscitation but all of them died after 3-100 hours. Twenty seven (31.4%) patients arrested in the intensive care unit, 14 (15.1%) on the ward and 46 (53.5%) in the emergency room. There was no significant difference in survival based on location of arrest. Factors associated with poor outcome were age, interval between collapse and start of CPR, systolic pressure, arterial pH, K, initial rhythm, time of arrest, and duration of CPR. The skill of resuscitation team was associated with survival.
Conclusion: Based on these data, survival till hospital discharge rate after cardiac arrest remains low. It is necessary to improve the skills and update the knowledge of resuscitation team. Hospital managers and nursing associations should consider CPR training and continuing education for all nurses and residents. They should also establish a special CPR Team in Hospitals.
Key words : In hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Patient mortality
[1] - PhD Student, Dept. of Nursing, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran
(Corresponding author) Tel: (021)66921777 , Fax: (021)66933600, E-mail: Barimnej@sina.tums.ac.ir
[2] - Academic Member, Dept. of Nursing, Azad University of Qom, Qom
[3] - Assistant Professor, Dept of Aggriculture. Azad University of Karaj, Karaj
[4] - Academic Member, Dept. of Pediatrics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran
The Correlation between Engagement Time of Fetal Head in Early Active Phase and Delivery Outcome in Primigravida Women
Z. Abbaspour MSc [1] , F. Sabzezary MSc [2] , P. Afshari MSc1
Background and Objective : Engagement that is the passage of fetus head through the pelvic inlet is one of the main stages of delivery. There is a controversy about the engagement time in different resources. The main objective of this cross – sectional study is to determine a possible correlation between engagement time of fetal head and delivery outcome in primiparous women.
Materials and Methods : This cross sectional study carried out on 471 primiparous women. The inclusion criteria were minimum height 145cm, documented term gestation 37-42 weeks, vertex presentation, single fetus, spontaneous onset of labor, cervical dilatation 4cm or less and lack of any complications. At the onset of active labor, 386 women had unengaged and 85 of them had an engaged fetal head. The data were analyzed by using t and X2 tests.
Results: Our results showed that unengagement of fetal head conferred a longer active phase as well as a longer second stage of labor (p=0.001). Furthermore, an increased need for oxytocin was observed in women with an unengaged fetal presentation (p=0.04), but the delivery method of labors, length of third stage of labor, first and fifth minute Apgar score in two groups showed no significant differences.
Conclusion: This study showed that unengaged fetal head in early active phase although increases the duration of delivery but it does not increase delivery complications (cesarean section rate, fetal distress and low Apgar score).
Key words: Engagement, Primiparous, Delivery Outcome, Apgar
[1] - Academic Member, Dept. of Nursing and Midwifery, Jondishapoor University of Medical Sciences, Ahwaz
(Corresponding author) Tel: (0611) 3340499 , Fax: (0611) 3345076, E-mail: Abbaspour_z@yahoo.com
[2] - Academic Member, Dept. of Nursing and Midwifery, Jondishapoor University of Medical Sciences, Ahwaz
Factors Relevant to Sleeping Disturbances in Hospitalized Medical-Surgical Patients of Ail Ebne Abitaleb Teaching Hospital of Rafsanjan
M. Kazemi MSc [1] , G. Rafiee MSc [2] , A. Ansari MSc2
Background and Objective: Sleep has always been considered as one of the most essential needs of humans. Patients need sleeping more than healthy individuals. Results of recent studies indicate that disease and hospitalization have close relationship with sleeping disturbances. This study is an attempt to assess the sleep disturbance-related factors in patients admitted to Medical-Surgical wards of Ali Ebne Abitaleb Teaching hospital of Rafsanjan.
Materials and Methods: Using questionnaire, this cross sectional descriptive study was performed. Sampling was target based and sample size was determined by use of volume assigning. Considering the probability of the out breaking at 80%, the sample size of 245 patients was determined. Samples were selected equally from medical and surgical wards. The collected data in the form of descriptive statistics were analyzed by using SPSS software. Furthermore, for determining the relationship between the demographic characters and the type of ward, based on the patients’ out look, non parametric statistics was used.
Results: 51.2% of the samples were male and 48.8% were female and most of them (33.9%)were under 25 years old. 49.1% of the patients claimed that the quality of their sleep had been decreased. The comparison of factors affecting the sleep disturbances showed statistically significant differences (p<0.001). The most effective factors were personal, environmental and attentive factors, respectively. Having pain and restlessness were the most frequent personal factors. Moaning and other patients, crying, quality of hospital beds, room temperature and the noise caused by hospital equipments were the most effective environmental factors. Among attentive factors, being awake for receiving medicine or serum taking was the most important one.
Conclusion: Half of the studied patients complained from sleeping disturbances and according to their opinion, controlling or removing the above-mentioned factors can be suggested.
Key words: Sleep Disturbance, Patient, Medical surgical wards, Rafsanjan
[1] - Academic Member, Dept.of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan
�(Corresponding author) Tel: (0391)5225900 , Fax: (0391)5228497, E-mail:maj_kaz@yahoo.com
[2] - Academic Member, Dept.of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan
The Prevalence of HIV, HBV and HCV in Narcotic addicted Persons Referred to the out Patient Clinic of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2003
A. Khodadadi zadeh MSc [1] ,
Background and Objective: Narcotic addiction as a serious health problem in communities has economical and social effects as well as health and hygienic complications. Viral infection such as B and C hepatitis, and HIV may be transmitted by addicted persons. Identification and education of these patients is very important and this survey was carried out for determination of the prevalence of these infections in addicted persons.
Material and Methods : This descriptive study was conducted on 180 self referred addicted persons who were selected through convenience non-probably sampling out patient clinic in Rafsanjan. After taking consent of patients, serum samples were checked for HIV, B and C hepatitis by
Results: The results of this study suggest that the mean of subject's age was 29.3±5.3 years (%95.5 male and 4.5%female), %17.21 IV drug abusers. The rate of Viral infection was %11.7 (21 subjects) including 11 persons who were IV drug abusers this defference was statistically significant (p<0.0001), HIV test was positive in 3 persons (%1/66) and all of them were IV drug abusers. HCV in 13 persons was positive that 5 persons were IV drug abusers. HBV markers were detected in 5 persons (2.7%) including 3 IV drug abusers.
Conclusion: The findings of this study revealed that there was a high rate of viral infection in addicted persons especially in IV drug abusers. This suggests the need for more attention and education for preventing the occurrence of these problems .
Key words: Narcotic addiction , HIV, HCV, HBV
[1] -Academic Member, Dept. of Nursing, University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan
Corresponding Author, Tel:(0391) 5225900, Fax: (0391) 5228497, E - mail: khodadadi123@yahoo.com
[2] Assistant Professor, Dept. of Cardiology, University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan
[3] - Academic Member, Dept.of Basic Sciences, Neursing School, University of Medical of Sciences, Rafsanjan
[4] - Assistant Professor, Infection Diseases Specialist, Dept.of Infection Diseases, University of Medical Sciences,
The Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Psychological Health and Depression in Sirjan Azad University Students (2004)
Recived: 20/08/2005 Revised: 29/05/2006 Accepted: 06/06/2006
Background and Objective: Fasting improves both spiritual and physical aspects of individual's performance. In other words, fasting has many advantages in improving human health and elimination of abnormal behavior. In general, the advantages of fasting include psychological, physical and spiritual benefits. In this study, the effect of Ramadan fasting on psychological health and depression among university students has been evaluated.
Materials and Methods: Three hundred and sixty one students were randomly selected and their demographic information was collected. Psychological health and depression scores were examined by Ferrell 12-item scale and standard Beck depression test, respectively. The data were collected in two different occasions 10 days before and 10 days after Ramadan. Mean scores of psychological health and depression of students in these two occasions were compared.
Results: The mean score of psychological health of participants before Ramadan was 33.94±8.55 (Mean±SE) that increased to 34.5±8.2 after Ramadan. Mean score of depression before Ramadan was 14.45±10.33 that decreased to 11.88±10.38 after Ramadan. These differences were statistically significant.
Conclusion : Our findings confirmed that Ramadan fasting could be an important factor for improving mental health and elimination of depression in university students.
Key words : Ramadan Fasting, Mental Health, Depression, University Students
[1] - Academic Member Dept. of Nursing &Midwifery, University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan
�(Corresponding Author) Tel:(0391)5225900, Fax: (0391) 5228497, E-mail: maj-kaz@yahho.com
[2] - Academic Member Dept. of Nursing &Midwifery, Azad University, Sirjan
[3] - Instructor Dept. of Nursing &Midwifery, University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan
[4] - Academic Member Dept. of Basic Sciences, Nursing School, University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan
[5] - Assistant
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Effective Factors on Perinatal Mortality in Rafsanjan Hospitals
M. Hadavi [1] , S. Alidalaki [2] , M. Abedini nejad2, F. Aminzadeh [3]
Received: 05/10/08 Sent for Revision: 04/01/09 Received Revised Manuscript: 21/05/09 Accepted: 03/06/09
Background and Objectives: Perinatal mortality is used as an indicator for evaluation of adequate perinatal and care services. Awareness of the major causes and effective factors on perinatal mortality play an important role in botl strengthening of obstetric services and in perinatal care planning (from pregnancy to birth and to neonatal care). The purpose of this study was to identify the effective factors on perinatal mortality in Rafsanjan city population.
Materials and methods : This descriptive study was done on 321 cases of perinatal death over 2 years period. For each case, one baby who was living up to the 28th day after brith and it's age was the closest to the case, has chosen as the control group. Data was obtained from hospital records also by interview with the nurse, mother and obstetrician (or the person who delivered the baby). Data were analyzed by chi-square and t- tests.
Results: Perinatal mortality rate was 32.2 per 1000 (29.1 and 34.9 per 1000 for girls and boys, respectively). The most common causes of newborn mortality were prematurity (%53.8), respiratory distress syndrome (%20.5), septicemia (%6.4) and the common causes of stillbirth were premature rupture of amniotic membrane (%27.7), pregnancy induced hypertension (%8.9), placenta abruptio (%6.3) and congenital abnormality (%5.4). Statistical tests showed a significant relationship between the fetal weight, gestational age, history of stillbrith and birth rank with stillbirth. Twin births, maternal age, previous maternal disease, maternal weight gain during pregnancy and the number of pregnancy were among the risk factors that increased the newborn mortality rate.
Conclusion: According to the findings, several reasons such as maternal age, birth grade, the average of gestational age, history of stillbirth, birth weight and primigravida play important role in occurrence of perinatal mortality. High priorities should be given to the strengthening and improvement of the obstetric services and initiating preventive efforts for above mentioned causes of prinatal mortality.
Key words: Mortality, Perinatal, Fetus, Newborn, Stillbirth
Funding: This research was funded by a Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences.
Conflict of interest: None declared.
Ethical approval: The Ethics Committee of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences .
[1] -. Academic Member, Dept. of Anesthesiology, Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran
(Corresponding Author) Tel: (0391) 5228397, Fax: (0391) 5228497, E-mail: hadavimaryam@yahoo.com
[2] - BSc, Nursing and Midwifery faculty, University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran
[3] - Assistant Prof., Dept. of Gynecology , University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran
Succinylcholine-Induced Acute Myopathy and Rhabdomyolysis:
F. Bayat [1] , G.R. Daneshtalab [2] , M. Hadavi [3]
Received: 05/03/09 Sent for Revision: 03/11/09 Received Revised Manuscript: 30/03/10 Accepted: 06/04/10
Background and Objectives: Succinylcholine is the only depolarizing neuromuscular blocker available which has been used for more than 50 years in the emergency cases, rapid sequence induction, and when aspiration treated as a risk factor. Unlike the nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers, Succinylcholine has rapid time-to-onset of action and short duration of action. However, there are a number of potential side effects associated with succinylcholine.
Case Report : A thirty-year old women was settled in cesarean ward under general anesthesia in Rafsanjan Niknafs hospital in 2007. Patient begun to breath after closing the volatile agent s and administration of reversal drugs, but she was not able to raise her head. Despite second reverse injection, after 30 minutes, her breathing was not adequate. Gradually, her body temperature increased up to 37.9 ۬ ◦c and urine color turned to brown. Dantrolene infusion was started and patient was transferred to ICU. Tracheal intubated and oxygenation was done by ventilator because of respiration muscular weakness. Weaning of ventilator was performed after 7 days, and three days later the patient was discharged.
Conclusion: Anesthesiologist should be aware of potential side effects of succinylcholine and be prepared to manage it. Consideration of rapid action non-depolarising neuromuscular blocking drugs in the prevention of these types of complications is useful.
Key words : Myopathy, Rhabdomyolysis, Succinylcholine, Cesarean
[1] - Assistant Prof., Dept. of Anesthesiology, University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran
[2] - Assistant Prof., Dept. of Surgery, University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran
[3] - Academic Member, Dept. of Anesthesiology, University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran
(Corresponding Author) Tel: (0391) 5228397, Fax: (0391) 5228497, E-mail: hadavimaryam@yahoo.com
Evaluation of the Effect of Continuous Midwifery Support on Pain Intensity in Labor and Delivery
Z. Ahmadi [1]
Received: 01/03/09 Sent for Revision: 06/05/09 Received Revised Manuscript: 28/07/10 Accepted: 17/08/10
Background and Objectives: Because of high prevalence of severe labor pain and adverse complications for the mother and baby, seeking methods for pain relief is necessary. Continuous midwifery support is one of the nonpharmacologic methods of pain relief. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of continuous midwifery support on the pain intensity of labour and delivery.
Materials and Methods : In this clinical trail, 100 primiparous women in delivery department of Emam Hossein hospital in Zanjan, Iran, in 2007, were randomly selected and divided into two groups. The exprerimental group received continuous midwifery support based on the effective management of normal childbirth, consistsing of: emotional, information, and physical support. The control group received only usual care. The scale of collection of data was questionnaire and check list. Data were analyzed using descriptive and analytic methods (t-test, chi-squre and Mann-Whitney tests).
Results: Pain intensity of Labour (p= 0.002) and the second stage of delivery (p= 0.009) among the supported or (experimental) group was less than that of the control group. Duration of labour (p= 0.005) and second stage of delivery (p= 0.001) in the supported group was also less than that of the control group. There was no relations between pain intensity with age, educatinal level, job and economic status.
Conclusion: Continous midwifery support along with management of normal childbirth principles reduce intensity of pain labour and delivery.
Key words: Labor pain, Continuous Labor support, Midwifery care, Pain relief
Funding: This research was funded by Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch.
Confilict of interest: None declared.
Ethical approval: The Ethics committee of Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch, approved the study.
[1] - Academic Member, Dept. of Midwifery , Faculty of Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch, Iran
Corresponding autor, Tel : (0423) 2222095, Fax: (0423) 2221927, E-mail:ahmadi.zahra4@gmail .com
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