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Showing 2 results for Kassani

M. Ghanbari Jahromi, M. Khammarnia, R. Sharifian, A. Kassani,
Volume 13, Issue 11 (3-2015)

Background and Objective: Maternal and childish health is one of the most important and critical issues that need special attention. One of the goal of family physician plan is to improve the vital horoscope indicator. This study has been investigated the vital horoscope indicator in rural populations of Shiraz before and after family physician plan during 2001-2012.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2014. Data were colleced using standard form and through census at health centers during 2001- 2012. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon tests.

Results: The findings showed that the highest mean of vital horoscope indicator after family physician plan was General Fertility (5.98) and the lowest one was Total Fertility before family physician plan (0.17). There was a meaningful relationship between 4 indicators before and after family physician plan (p<0.05). Indicators of Death of neonates under 1 month, and infants under 1 year, percentage of infants under 1 year, percentage of stillbirth from 2001 to 2012 decreased.

Conclusion: Family physician plan is one of the effective programs in vital horoscope indicator, service quality and health promotion. So along with correct implementation, constant monitoring and increased awareness of this plan effective action can be taken to improve the vital horoscope indicators.

Key words: Vital horoscope indicator, Rural health indicator, Family physician plan


Funding: This research was funded by Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.

Conflict of interest: None declared.

Ethical approval: The Ethics Committee of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences approved the study.


How to cite this article: Ghanbari Jahromi M, Khammarnia M, Sharifian R, Kassani A. Investigation of Vital Horoscope Indicators in Rural Health Medical Centers of Shiraz before and after the Implementation of Family Physician Plan during 2001-2012: A Short Report. J RafsanjanUniv Med Sci 2015 13(11): 1097-1102. [Farsi]

M. Khammarnia, F. Shokohian, Sh. Eskandari, A. Kassani, F. Setoodezadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 11 (2-2017)

Background and Objective: Positive attitude to career and academic discipline among students is an important factor in academic success of students. This study aimed to determine the attitudes of Zahedan Health School students toward their discipline and job prospect.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Zahedan Medical Sciences University in 2015. About 160 students of School of Public Health were selected using stratified random sampling. The data collection instrument was the standard questionnaire of job future and prospect and t-test and one way ANOVA were used for data analysis.

Results:  Among the total number of students, 107  (66.9%) were female and 133 (83.1%) single.  The results indicated that the mean age of the students was 22.71±2.42 years. The students' attitudes mean was 27.14 ± 6.15 with the range of 9-40 and job prospect 19.78 ± 3.71with the range of 7-28 which were higher than the standard mean. One way ANOVA  test results showed that there was an statistical association between the average score of job prospect among disciplines in School of Health (P=0.048). Job prospect was a negative factor in students' attitudes toward the health field. Moreover, salary and an increase in student admission were the negative affecting factors related to the students’ attitudes.

Conclusion: The study showed the students’ interest to their field of study. However, some factors lead to reduce students' positive attitudes toward health courses and their job future that requires health system managers’ attention to these concerns through various mechanisms, including job situation assurance for these students.

Key words: Attitude, Students, School of Health, Zahedan

Funding: This research was funded by Zahedan University of Medical Sciences.

Conflict of Interest: None declared.

Ethical approval: The Ethics Committee of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences approved the study.

How to cite this article: Khammarnia M, Shokohian F, Eskandari SH, Kassani A, Setoodezadeh F. Students' Attitudes Toward Their Education and Job Prospects in Zahedan Health School in 2015J Rafsanjan Univ Med Sci 2017; 15(10): . [Farsi]

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