Malekouti M, Dehbooreh Z, Mani Kashani K, Heshmatian B. Relation Between Fasting During Follicular Phase of Last Menstrual Period (LMP) and Newborn's Gender. JRUMS 2006; 5 (3) :169-174
Abstract: (14127 Views)
Relation Between Fasting During Follicular Phase of Last Menstrual Period (LMP) and Newborn's Gender
SM. Malekouti PhD , Z. Dehbooreh GP , Kh. Mani Kashani MSc , B. Heshmatian BSc
Received: 11/07/05 Sending for Revision: 19/10/05 Receiving Revised Manuscript: 05/09/06 Accepted: 13/09/06
Background and Objective: Fasting which is a fairly long period of hungry (about 15 hours), causes metabolic changes in human. The meal program is changed during the fasting, so the level of hormonal secretion and electrolytes will be alterd. These changes could possibly affect the gender of newborns that were born from fasting mothers.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the questionair were filled in by mothers who delivered their babies from July 27th to September 11th 2004 in Hamadan Fatamieh Hospital. The pregnancy of these mothers were concurrent with the last Ramadhan month. The sex of neonates delivered by 196 mothers who were fasted for at least ten days and their follicular phase of Last Menstrual Period (LMP) corresponded with last Ramadhan month was compared with 175 mothers who did not fast as control group. The data analysed by χ2 test and p<0.05 considered as a significant difference.
Results: The results showed that the sex ratio in the newborns of fasted mothers with the mean age of 23.275.06 years was in favor of boys (156 cases, 78.6%), which was significantly (p<0.0001) more than the control group with the mean age of (23.57±4.93 years) (80 cases 45.7%).
Conclusion: Fasting in the follicular phase of LMP, could possibly change the sex ratio of newborns in favor of boys. Further investigations in different geographical places focussing on race and diet especially during the Ramadhan month are warranted.
Key words: Infant Sexuality, Fasting of Mother, Intercourse, Last Menstrual Period
Type of Study:
Research |
Physiology Received: 2007/01/9 | Published: 2006/12/15