Volume 16, Issue 6 (10-2017)                   JRUMS 2017, 16(6): 505-516 | Back to browse issues page

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Hosseini M, Eftekhar B, Riyahi Malayeri S. Effect of Interval Training with Curcumin Consumption on Some Adipokines in Menopausal Obese Rats. JRUMS 2017; 16 (6) :505-516
URL: http://journal.rums.ac.ir/article-1-3644-en.html
Islamic Azad univeTehrarsity east Tehran branch
Abstract:   (4675 Views)

Background and Objective: Adipose tissue controls the regulation of metabolic responses through semi hormone secretions, specifically adipokines. Fat control can prevent the relevant diseases.This study aimed to examine the effect of interval training with curcumin consumption on some adipokines in menopausal obese rats.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 28 Wistar menopausal fat rats aged 24months were randomly divided into four groups: control, supplement, training, and training + supplement.Training program was planned for 8 weeks and 3 sessions per week. Each session consisted of 10 activity sets in one minute with the intensity of 50% and 2 minutes rest between the sets. In the first week, subjects started with 14 meters per minute and increased their speed to 28 meters per minute till the eighth week. In the supplement groups, 30 milligrams curcumin solution per kilogram of body weight were injected 3 sessions per week for 8 weeks. Blood samples were taken after the last training session and the levels of adiponectin, chemerin, glucose, insulin and insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) were measured. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were used for data analysis.
Results: In the experimental groups, adiponectin concentration increased (P=0.015) and chemerin concentration (P=0.020) and insulin resistance index decreased (P=0.008). There was a significant negative correlation between adiponectin and chemerin in the training group (P=0.030, r=-0.803).
Conclusion: It seems that the interval training with curcumin consumption affects serum adiponectin chemerin and insulin resistance index and in this way can play a major role in reducing the inflammatory responses caused by overweight and obesity.
Key words: Interval Training, Adipokine, Curcumin, Obesity, Rat
Funding: This study did not have funds.
Conflict of interest: None declared.
Ethical approval: The Ethics Committee of Islamic Azad University East Tehran Branch approved the study.
How to cite this article: Hosseini M, Eftekhar B, Riyahi Malayeri Sh. Effect of Interval Training with Curcumin Consumption on Some Adipokines in Menopausal Obese Rats J Rafsanjan Univ Med Sci 2017; 16(6): 505-16. [Farsi]

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: تربيت بدني
Received: 2017/01/13 | Accepted: 2017/07/9 | Published: 2017/10/9

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