Background and Objectives: The impaction of upper maxillary central incisor occurs infrequently. However it is an important issue both for cusmethic and oral health. Odontomas, supernumerary teeth and space deficiency are the most prevalent reasons for the impaction of these teeth. This problem could be solved by orthodontics and different surgical methods in mixed dentition period.
Case Report: The patient was a 9.5 years old boy with a good general health in the mixed dentition period with skeletal and dental pattern of class І and two impacted central incisors due to supernumerary teeth that had been referred to orthodontic department of Rafsanjan's faculty of dentistry. After extraction of supernumerary teeth, he was treated by a period of removable orthodontic treatment for maintenance of available space and correction of deep curve of Spee and also a period of fixed orthodontic treatment with open surgical exposure of impacted teeth crown for bringing the teeth to the normal occlusal level. After a period of 2 and 1.5 years of removable and fixed orthodontic treatment, respectively, both impacted central incisors came into the dental arch. Final results were acceptable, aesthetically but in long term health, increasing attached gingival width should be controled.
Conclusion: Orthodontic force eruption of impacted teeth, preferred with closed surgical exposure method, should always be considered in young patients, because this treatment modality has better results than other alternative strategies regarding cusmetic, gingival health and occlusal aspects.
Key words: Force eruption, Upper maxillary central incisor, Open exposure, Supernumerary teeth